Monday, January 5, 2015

The Desires Of The Heart by Nina Keegan

Psalm 37:4

delight yourself in The Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart..

It's a new year and with that brings all of our pre-set new year resolutions.. We resolute to change that which quite frankly, we have  tried and failed at, at least a few times already .. With shear determination we blaze forward on our pathway of desired success and wholeheartedly believe this time it will be different! 


Our declarations are so sure and steadfast.. Let the Nay-Sayers laugh all they want .. We boastfully concur.." they'll see!" This year we will stick it out.. We declare victory!

Oh the weight we will lose , how organized we will be, we will strive to eat healthier as we determinedly rant while stripping our pantries of chips, cookies and all things chocolate..

 We will exorcise more! ... Yup we've already started the new trial gym membership and are decreeing that Zumba will be our new found fave! 

Were definitely going to spend more time with loved ones, finish those abandoned projects and perhaps there are even bigger changes in store for some.  We anxiously anticipate  filling in this new blank script of 365 pages that is just begging to be penned..

 Perhaps your desire is to get married, start a family, go back to college , change careers,  buy a home, or make more more money...  

Our intentions are so positive and ...endless.

 I may be displaying a slight, playful sarcastic view point at the moment  but don't get me wrong,  there is nothing wrong with trying to make positive changes in our lives.. Go for it! But, just maybe.. We are searching in the wrong places for desired and accomplished fulfillment..

Are these really the desires of our hearts.. ? Are the desires of our hearts that the scripture above refers to, the things we really think we want? The things we secretly desire and hope for..? The things we think will bring us continuous joy? 

 I thought about the meaning of that scripture, and decided we look at it entirely wrong. When we Draw near to God, He then will give you what He wants you to desire..He's the one who will authorize what it is He wants you to desire.. So him giving us the desires of our hearts is not him  giving us all the things we want; but  Him giving us the desires to want what He wants us to have.. 

Phil 2:13 
for God is working in you giving you the DESIRE and the power to do what pleases him

God simply wants us to desire Him.. He wants us to follow Him, love Him, trust Him and receive Him with our whole hearts. When we have a relationship with God all of our other fleshly wants become so trivial.. The importance we may have so haphazardly placed on spending more time in the gym pales to the Joy, wisdom, freedom and love we will receive by spending more time in the Word.. God's Word..

If we make it our resolution to surrender our days to Him, to spend more time seeking Him and in praise and worship; 

 the closer we will get to God and we will undoubtedly know his Character and be drawn to His love, peace and thereby acquiring a new found Joy unlike the kind we have seen thus far in this world.. This unspeakable Joy and Heavenly peace is irreplaceable and when we seek Him first we will most assuredly find it.. 

Matt 6:33

Seek him First the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be added to it..

When we first have His peace, it naturally makes us better equipped in all other areas of our lives.. We will be more apt to finish what we start., we will have a new " stick to it" mentality that will keep our "new year" momentum in tact.. 

Give Him the best part of you first...  Give him your time, your love , and your praise and He will give you the time you need to fit in all the rest... and to fill in all the blanks..

Get your Bible out and flip through the pages of this anointed book and as you read let the Living Word of our Loving God be the instruction manual as you joyfully write your book.. The new 365 page best seller.. Your story! 

Thank you Father that this new year we seek to know you, to hear from you, to recognize you and to be in your presence.. Draw near to us Lord.. This is the true desire of our Hearts! 

In Jesus name I pray


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