Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Living Water.. By Nina Keegan

 There are so many amazing messages to be learned from a simple Samaritan woman that showed up for a divine appointment with Jesus at a small well in her village...

Today I was reading in John 4 about this woman at the well,

 There are so many wonderful things we can learn from this remarkable story. ... 

It was no accident that Jesus would be there that day.. It was planned.. It was all part of her( the Samaritan woman's story.. ) that Jesus would meet her at the village well to teach us all lessons ... thousands of years later we read of this encounter... She would become  part of biblical history... This simple woman...

 We see Jesus's patience, His character, and love for all people no matter their race, no matter their history,  no matter their sins, no matter what they have done...He was right gentle, so kind... So ready with open arms to receive her...

Jesus was tired from a long walk and sat wearily beside  a well and a woman came near to draw water ...Jesus said to her "please give me a drink"...he was alone at this time which was kind of rare because  he usually traveled with his disciples...

The Scripture says that the 'woman was surprised'..

Jesus always wants to surprise us...He wants to surprise us with all the goodness of heaven.. sometimes we just need to look around... He was right in front of this woman, He was speaking to her.. So close and yet she did not know...

How often do we feel that Jesus is too far away that he's too busy or that we've done too much wrong for Him to stay close to us... We deem ourselves to be unworthy of His love...we need to be reminded that as believers we are filled with the Holy Spirit and God will never leave us or forsake us ...ever!

The woman was quite shocked that Jesus being a Jew would ask a Samaritan woman for a drink, this was not a common practice.. They did not associate together...

  She asked him why...His reply was quite remarkable, "If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me and I would give you living water.."

Jesus wants to give us everything.. He wants to give us the world..his love for us is unconditional.. It's pure .. He wants us to be filled with His living water ..He wants to bless us beyond our imaginations..

The Bible goes on to tell us about this woman, she had quite a past..  Jesus spoke to her and told her that she had been married five times and was presently living in sin with a man to whom she was not married..
 We are no surprise to Jesus.. he knew everything about her and yet he was so kind, he was so patient with her... Before this, she had not yet been humbled....
 Jesus is not surprised by us either, He wants to take all of our burdens ...we must humble ourselves before Him and cast it all on to Him...He painfully took our shame at the cross.. He loves us more than we could ever know...

 As Jesus began to speak to her, He began to tell her all the sinful things that she had done in a loving and patient manor...but what He was doing was telling her that even though she had been a sinner,  He was right there for her .. He was loving her with open arms...Jesus wanted to give her something.. He always wants to give us all something.. but first, He asks for us to give him something...

Our hearts.... Give our whole hearts to Him.. He asks for our burdens to be cast upon Him..

He longs for us to have our yokes be made easy in Him as He already took the burdens for us on the cross...

He began to tell her about this living water ...He began to tell her that she will soon become thirsty again if she drinks of the water from the well...but those who drink of the water Jesus gives, "the living water"will never be thirsty again... it becomes a fresh bubbling spring within us giving us eternal life...He says that we  will never have to go back to that well again...

Jesus was saying give it all to me ...give me your heart.. give me your old ways, give me your burdens, your sins,  I will take them away will never have to return to them again..

 She would not have to return to her old way of life, her old insecurities,  her old sins, her checkered past ...she would begin to
become that new creation in Christ being filled to the overflow with the living waters of Jesus ...again when we are filled with His Water, letting  it cleanse us to be made new and whole in Him...then there is no longer room for anything else..

You can tell in this story that her whole demeanor starts to change as she becomes more filled with divine joy.. it says that she ran to the town to tell everyone about this man who knew everything about her ...

The towns people would indeed listen to her and follow her back to meet with Jesus ...this shows us that no matter what she had done, no matter where she was, she was now being changed and being used to spread the good news of Jesus...
Jesus was using her to glorify Him..she was quite impactful..  The people of the town believed her and followed her no matter who she had been or how imperfect she was..
Jesus uses us all no matter what we've done, no matter how broken we have been.. God can use us through our brokenness...

Nothing is ever wasted...

God is the fountain of life...He can bring that living water that quenches our thirst forever.. we can stop looking to the world, we can stop searching for the next latest and greatest ..the things that we feel will fix the holes in our hearts.. let the water, the living water of Jesus Christ fill you to the overflow!

Let us not go back to our old wells let us not go back to that hollow, empty place... Jesus is right here.. He is omnipresent, He is everywhere.. He is waiting for us ..He doesn't care what you have been doing, the sins you've committed.. Jesus died and His blood shed on the cross came in and swept those sins away forever more....
He will never embarrass you, He is not going to shame you... He is coming to save you.. Drink deeply from His well of peace joy, mercy, and love...

He is the Messiah.. He is calling you to Him ..don't believe the voice of the enemy saying you've done too much wrong to ever be saved, your sins are too grand..
 Jesus is bigger than them all... let the fountains of living water wash over your sins today, let this water cleanse you and give you peace and clarity.. change your life through Jesus ...let your nourishment come from doing the will of God ..what joy awaits you as God uses you to glorify his kingdom ...
God doesn't waste a thing and what the enemy has meant for harm in your life will only cause your promotion.. drink deeply from His living water today.

John 4:10
10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.”

John 4:13
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

John 4:42
42 They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.”

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