Monday, June 26, 2023

Stop complaining

 We must stop complaining… When we complain, we remain ... and trust me. Sometimes this is no easy task....

Here is the same scripture in different versions… 

Philippians 2:14 Stop Grumbling And Complaining

Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmuring and disputing.

Grumbling and complaining comes naturally to us even without thinking about it, but we are called today to stop it!

Grumbling and complaining is used to describe a chronic human condition of the heart that we all suffer from.  A condition that not only affects us but also those that are around or connected to us. It can get down in our spirits and become a vicious cycle.

Have you ever been or are you  guilty of grumbling and complaining?  If we could be honest for a moment and confess, we too can admit that we are all guilty of it.

Grumbling and complaining shows ungratefulness on our part. Every situation in life could always be worse than what it is that currently has us grumbling and complaining. 
Everything is not the end of the world… We must look at things through a different lens, through a lens of gratitude...

I believe that if we could just take a few minutes to think about how any situation in our lives could be so much worse than what it currently is, we will be able to find the time and opportunity to be grateful and not complain.. if we could just stop and count our blessings so to speak truly makes us realize how abundantly blessed we are.

The Apostle Paul reminds the Philippian church that certain actions and attitudes demonstrate the reality of their relationship with God and who they are verses who they say they are.

Grumbling and complaining is not new. We see it throughout the Bible. We also see how it can be a SERIOUS issue where God is concerned. He does not like us doing it and He wants us to stop it. God knows that this can BLOCK our blessings... God is eager to bless us...  He is always for us. We must ponder these things when we are tempted to get angry or complain... the devil is continually trying to cause us to grow weary, to get us out of faith and focused on the negative so that he can steal our blessings… We must catch ourselves and resist him at the onset! 

After their exit from Egyptian bondage, the Israelites complained, murmured and grumbled about the manna God provided for them. Their complaining showed their ungratefulness to God for what He had done in not only delivering them out of bondage but providing for them every step of the way after their deliverance.

Constant complaining and grumbling brought about God’s anger and His judgment against His own people Israel. After complaining that they could not conqueor the enemies who lived in the land that God promised them, God allowed all Israelites over 20 years old to die in the wilderness. I'm constantly amazed that the grumbling  and complaining caused the Israelites to wander in the desert for 40 years in lieu of what should've been an 11 day trek. Oh, how many wonderful blessings they missed out on… What are we missing out on?

Instead of grumbling and complaining all the time, we need to turn those negative words into positive words of thanksgiving unto the Lord our God for what He has already done for us and for what He did not allow to happen that could have been far worse.
When we are at our wits end and tempted to grumble, complain, get mad, etc.… Stop, pray, calm yourself, and pray through it.. we must take everything to the Lord first, and praise Him for all that we need… That is how our conditions will get turned around... this is faith in action..
To the contrary, 
Grumbling and complaining shows our lack of faith and trust in God and His Sovereign power and ability to provide everything that we need. He's got the answers, Hes's got the solutions, He's got the victory, He loves us, He cares for us, and His plans are far better than ours.

I close with this reminder in 1 Thessalonians 5:18-give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 

When we stop complaining the light of the Gospel within us shines brighter and our witness to the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ is more effective.  When you find yourself in those situations, stop and ask yourself this… "What would Jesus do"?

Grumbling and complaining? STOP IT!

God bless!
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